Saturday, April 23, 2011

Contact your representative. Let them know how this law has effected you.

We have to contact our State government. Let them know how this law has effected you. It is our duty to do something as citizens to make the change. If we do nothing, we can only expect nothing will change.

The links below have direct email links to your representatives for your district.

I think it is important to tell them how deeply this law has effected your family and yourself.

Feel free to comment and tell us how this law has effected you too.


  1. I agree this is unnecessary to be punished again from the consequences that the court system already fee`s and fine`s us.Double dipping in this economy is harsh!!! We as citizen`s pay out more of our pay check`s than what the employer`s are willing to pay, we can`t even live pay check to pay check anymore.Were constantly behind in rent , can`t afford car insurance , if U make a few dollar`s over the minuium amount required FIA won`t even give help with the Bridge Card. What doe`s one / the family have to do to SERVIVE in this Strict and Greedy State of Michigan? Where the Politician`s in Lansing have and are the One`s that have Brought GREAT debt and hardship to the citizen`s of Michigan. Personally I`d rather LEAVE Michigan!!!!

  2. I agree i had to pay this 5 times because as stated i CANNOT AFFORD 200.00 a month for car insurance and its not like im rolling in a brand new lexus with full coverage thats quote is state min. on a rusted and busted ass 95 f150 i think that it should be regulated at a state levle car insurance as its required to have in this stupid state shouldnt be allowed to be more then 5% of your monthly pay i too would rather leave this state but cant as it is impossible to save enough money to leave..... I HATE MICHIGAN NOW.....

  3. I agree with what I've read so far. It is incredulous milking of the public. I personally feel the pinch as well and am in disgust having to pay the fee again after just having paid off my 2nd part of a previous balance of $200 and $125 reinstatment license fee. Now have to pay $145 plus two installments of $'s "SILLY"
